Pakej Percutian Buat Cikgu Tuisyen SARA.
Terima kasih cikgu sara, hari ini dah habis pun exam adikmu Mia. Umi nak pergi jemput dia pulang, dan cuti sekolah pun bermula...
Terima kasih kerana membantu umi dalam banyak perkara. Tenangkan hati umi, faham umi dan menjadi peneman umi yang tak sempurna ini. Kita menangis dan ketawa bersama. Air mata kita serupa. Terima kasih tak terhingga!
Tahniah anakku sara, dapat panggilan lagi yang sangat menguja...bukan senang nak dapat tawaran yang disenarai pendek macam tu. Pergilah...sebab kita sudah tahu apa yang kita mahu. Sekadar mencari pengalaman tidak mengapa. Lagi pun kita boleh belajar dan akan menjadi sandaran suatu hari nanti. Pergi untuk belajar tak apa. Umi hantar! Lagi pun dua hari saja.
Ingat! Usah dilayan mereka-mereka yang menyibuk mencelah dalam rutin harian kita. Umi pun hairan, kenapa mereka seolah-olah faham situasi tetapi hanya mendengar sebelah pihak sahaja. Sungguh tidak adil anggapan mereka. Betapa buruknya perangai mereka. Suka menyibuk dan mengata. Sangat membebankan dan tidak tahu hormat orang tua. Sama-sama lah kita bersabar menangani semua ini. Allah Maha Mengetahui akan segala-galanya. Kita lihat saja.
Oh ya! Lupa...sebagai ganjaran menjadi guru sandaran sementara untuk adik bongsu kita, umi bagi pakej percutian 3 hari 2 malam di....(gimik-gimik) ermm...gambar di atas oke.
Semoga Allah memberkati keluarga kita. Ameen.
*hairan juga, kenapa ada yang terasa...
oh,beshnyo gi jalang2 cuti2 malaysia.have FUN ye!!!!
Bila anak2 dah sampai tahap remaja....
Mereka tak mahu dikongkong....
Pada masa ini peranan ibu bapa amat penting....
Pada waktu inilah ibu bapa perlu menjadi sahabat kepada mereka....
Bukan beri arahan buat itu buat ini....
mereka tak nak ikut punyer.....
Kadang2 anak remaja ni perlukan perhatian
Bila ibu bapa beri perhatian sepenuhnya(bukan mengongkong), anak remaja rasa disayangi.....
Bila kita mula menyayangi maka anda pula akan disayangi....
Luangkan lebih masa dengan anak2, tapi jgan sampai megongkong pergerakannya…
Jika ingin berkawan, biarkan dia berkawan kerana kawan ialah asset penting setiap individu
Hidup pasti bosan jika hanya mempunyai 1 atau 2 kawan…
Tapi pantau pergerakannya.. bukan menghalangnya terus..
itu pengalaman saya sendiri dengan ibu bapa saya....
Ibu bapa saya luangkan masa bersama kami adik beradik.....
Lagi satu,jangan pilih kasih dengan anak yang lain...
Ibu bapa saya tak pernah pilih kasih....semua sama rata....
Kalau yg ini diberi kebebasan sebegitu, yg lagi satu juga mesti begitu..
Syukur saya dapat ibu bapa seperti itu...pandai mengambil hati dan memahami kehendak anak....
Cuma itu yang dapat saya bg tau,saya ni pon belum berkeluarga lagi....cuma sekelumit pengalaman.
*Setiap individu tu berbeza, termasuklah ank2 kita yg remaja tu....maka kita mesti sentiasa bersedia menghadapinya...biarpun ianya positif @ sebaliknya. Yg penting kita mesti sentiasa mendengar, meneliti & mencari punca masalah. Seterusnya berikhtiar utk mengatasinya. Dan kita sbg parents pn bkknya sentiasa BETUL....dlm byk keadaan kita sentiasa fikirkan diri sendiri dr keinginan & kemahuan ank2...check & balance it out.
Kana,first of all you should learn how to respect other people opinion especially from those who are much older than you.As far as I can see,you had written such a good comment for spoilt teenager to go against their parents.You interfered in their family problems with your own assumption and tried to put blame on the writer of this blog.Maybe your parents give you too much of freedom that makes you feel confident and behave disrespectfully.You were giving your opinion(which I think good in certain part) to someone who has the same age as your mother and you never use the words sorry when
advicing her.As for me,I think that was totally rude of you.
(Dan kita sbg parents pn bkknya sentiasa BETUL....dlm byk keadaan kita sentiasa fikirkan diri sendiri dr keinginan & kemahuan ank2...check & balance it out)..From your comment,I assumed that you want to say the writer was doing something which is not right to their teenager by protecting them.Well you had just made the situation getting worst.I know you are one the writer's daugther friend and you think that you can make the writer realise about her fault for all this time by preventing S from making friend with you guys especially the well known FT.There must be a reason why she did that and most importantly you have no right to interfere in their problem.
If my mom doesnt like my friend for whatever reason she had,I will try my best to stay away from them as I know she had been raising me from the day I saw the world until now.She must know more about me than any other people in this world.
Teenagers need guidance from their parents. Teenagers lack the skills necessary to make major decisions alone. It is important for parents to help teenagers develop these skills so they can lead a productive and successful life as an adult. To do this, parents must set ground rules for teenagers that allow for a limited amount of freedom. From what you hana said KANA,the ground rules should be about morals not about forbidden actions. Teenagers will sometimes rebel by going against the rules when a parent forbids them to do a certain thing.
To the writer,I really hope that my comment can be helpful to you and sorry for any inconvinience.
The problem here is about coping with disrespectful teen.It does not take long to reach your boiling point when you have a disrespectful teen. Whether they ignore you, talk back, or simply refuse to go along with house rules, you can quickly find yourself raising your voice, becoming completely exasperated, or even wanting to quit your job as a parent. It sometimes seems like teenagers know just what buttons to push to send you over the edge.
If you have a disrespectful teen, you do not have to give up. In fact, there are some very quick behaviors you can start practicing that will help stop disrespectful behavior once and for all. While not all of these practices will work in every situation or with every teen, if you are at your wit’s end with your disrespectful teen, it is worth giving these practices a try.
Often, as parents, you might feel as though you are obligated to remain engaged with your teen no matter what. Whether you feel you have to have the last word or you have to keep pushing until your teen acknowledges your point, you may be suffering through more disrespectful behavior than you need to.
If you are having a conversation (argument) with your teen and frustrated about the way the conversation is going, or if you do not want to allow the conversation to escalate into an argument, then you have to learn that it is ok to walk away. If your disrespectful teen is attempting to engage you in an argument or trying to get his or her way on something, firmly and quietly repeat your decision, then let them know you will not continue the conversation, and walk away. Even if you have to leave the room, lock yourself in your bedroom, and jog in place to burn off the frustration, it is better than continuing to engage your teen on that level.
May God bless your family and give you happiness.
Kana,first of all you should learn how to respect other people opinion especially from those who are much older than you.As far as I can see,you had written such a good comment for spoilt teenager to go against their parents.You interfered in their family problems with your own assumption and tried to put blame on the writer of this blog.Maybe your parents give you too much of freedom that makes you feel confident and behave disrespectfully.You were giving your opinion(which I think good in certain part) to someone who has the same age as your mother and you never use the words sorry when
advicing her.As for me,I think that was totally rude of you.
(Dan kita sbg parents pn bkknya sentiasa BETUL....dlm byk keadaan kita sentiasa fikirkan diri sendiri dr keinginan & kemahuan ank2...check & balance it out)..From your comment,I assumed that you want to say the writer was doing something which is not right to their teenager by protecting them.Well you had just made the situation getting worst.I know you are one the writer's daugther friend and you think that you can make the writer realise about her fault for all this time by preventing S from making friend with you guys especially the well known FT.There must be a reason why she did that and most importantly you have no right to interfere in their problem.
If my mom doesnt like my friend for whatever reason she had,I will try my best to stay away from them as I know she had been raising me from the day I saw the world until now.She must know more about me than any other people in this world.
Teenagers need guidance from their parents. Teenagers lack the skills necessary to make major decisions alone. It is important for parents to help teenagers develop these skills so they can lead a productive and successful life as an adult. To do this, parents must set ground rules for teenagers that allow for a limited amount of freedom. From what you hana said KANA,the ground rules should be about morals not about forbidden actions. Teenagers will sometimes rebel by going against the rules when a parent forbids them to do a certain thing.
To the writer,I really hope that my comment can be helpful to you and sorry for any inconvinience.
The problem here is about coping with disrespectful teen.It does not take long to reach your boiling point when you have a disrespectful teen. Whether they ignore you, talk back, or simply refuse to go along with house rules, you can quickly find yourself raising your voice, becoming completely exasperated, or even wanting to quit your job as a parent. It sometimes seems like teenagers know just what buttons to push to send you over the edge.
If you have a disrespectful teen, you do not have to give up. In fact, there are some very quick behaviors you can start practicing that will help stop disrespectful behavior once and for all. While not all of these practices will work in every situation or with every teen, if you are at your wit’s end with your disrespectful teen, it is worth giving these practices a try.
Often, as parents, you might feel as though you are obligated to remain engaged with your teen no matter what. Whether you feel you have to have the last word or you have to keep pushing until your teen acknowledges your point, you may be suffering through more disrespectful behavior than you need to.
If you are having a conversation (argument) with your teen and frustrated about the way the conversation is going, or if you do not want to allow the conversation to escalate into an argument, then you have to learn that it is ok to walk away. If your disrespectful teen is attempting to engage you in an argument or trying to get his or her way on something, firmly and quietly repeat your decision, then let them know you will not continue the conversation, and walk away. Even if you have to leave the room, lock yourself in your bedroom, and jog in place to burn off the frustration, it is better than continuing to engage your teen on that level.
May God bless your family and give you happiness.
Sorry Kana.One more thing, I cant wait to hear from you as well.
Salam~..i kn0w..th0se are br0ken hearted w0rds..just b str0ng..thr0ugh th0se w0rds..mcm sdh je..its 0k..ure just a great m0m..myb need a sl0w talk situati0n..d0 will be fine..insyaAllah..have a blessed..:-)
Banyaknya comment deleted, kenapa takut pula berkata-kata? Nak back up kawan ke, nak back up siapa..knp menyorok pula.
Terima kasih kerana lantang bersuara, siapa anda nak melukakan hati saya? Sudah biasakah anda dengan keluarga ini? Menerjah sesuka hati tanpa mengenal hati budi kami. Sangat sadis anda berbicara tanpa memikirkan kesannya. Anda belum berkeluarga, bangga dengan apa yang anda ada, tahniah! Tapi samada anda seorang lelaki atau perempuan, anda juga akan berkeluarga. Kita tunggu dan lihat bagaimana anda menguruskan semua perkara jika setegar ini anda berani berkata-kata. Tidak salah memberi pendapat tetapi ada sedikit ralat di hati saya kerana seolah anda pemerhati dan tahu segala. Kami keluarga bahagia. Apapun alasannya, naluri ibu sangat kuat merasa siapa kawan yang baik atau sebaliknya. Jika sebelum ini kami amat mesra, tp mengapa kerana kawan boleh jadi porak peranda. Sudah besar sangatkah anda? Sudah cukupkah usia 21 tahun untuk menuding jari menghembur seorang ibu yang masih setia berbakti untuk keluarga? Saya sayang anak-anak saya, apa hak anda? kenapa pula terasa dan terpukul bila saya mengawal pergerakan anak saya?
Siapa pun anda, saya terpanggil untuk menghargai rasa hormat anda terhadap seorang ibu. Alangkah baiknya jika remaja sekarang berhati putih seperti anda. Hormat dan patuh terhadap seorang ibu. Sangat terharu. Berapa pun usia anda, nampak ada kematangan di situ. Terima kasih, semoga Allah memberkati anda kerana seorang anak yang menghormati ibu akan selalu beruntung hidupnya dan mendapat restu/reda Allah swt.
Terima kasih.
Apapun pandangan orang terhadap kita, hanya Allah sahaja yang Mengetahui. Semoga Allah memberkatimu anakku. Biarlah apa orang kata yang penting kita bahagia.
Terima kasih atas segalanya.
woh kana.. saye nampak kamu cuba meletakkan diri sebagai seorang ibubapa walhal kamu ckp kamu tu kawin pun blum lg..
personally saye cukup kagum ngan family nih.. yup saye tak brape knal ngan umi mahupun abah kpd safiyah, sara, idi, ngan mia.. tp sng ckpla kan.. cukup la saye knal sara sorang utk 2 thun, saye tau sket sbyk camne bentuk family ni.. no other words except my fullest respect to them..
saye ni cukup2 la tak berkenan ngan orang2 yg cakap mcm pandai sgt2.. smpai gaya n kaedah yg spatutnya diabaikan.. adoilaa..
skian melaporkan
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